
ENEL Distribuição São Paulo

Other performers: Enerq / USP and FiTEC

Structuring Project of Smart Grids in Metropolitan Regions aiming the Development and Demonstration of Innovative Solutions using the concept of Living Labs +; Series Head and Pioneer Batch of Smart Electronic Meters and Energy Balance Measurement Sets






Structuring Project of Intelligent Networks in Metropolitan Regions aiming at Development and Demonstration of Innovative Solutions using the concept of Living Labs


Implementation of a functional Living Lab, capable of experimenting with innovative solutions adhering to the concept of Smart Electric Grids considered in the R&D project and also of upcoming technologies;

Application of innovative technological solutions, such as Self-Healing operated from the substation, centralized Volt / Var control solutions and implementation of telecommunications infrastructure and processing of new data made available by the Smart Electric Grids measurement infrastructure;

Development of a “Roadmap” definition model for solutions in Smart Grids, considering the systemic and market specificities of Eletropaulo's concession area;

The Methodology used in the development of the project was designed to cover all aspects from basic studies to the implementation and testing of each technology developed, as well as its technological transfer. Thus, the development of the project in question took place through the structuring of 6 (six) research blocks, namely:
1. Governance Block
2. Advanced Distribution Automation Block
3. Customer Interaction Block
4. Supply Alternatives Block
5. Smart Metereing Block
6. Telecommunications Block

In the “Governance” block, the technological lines to be followed were defined, with a management model, Living Labs Blueprint, metrics model and Roadmap methodology for the entire concession area. Thus, the other technological blocks followed the guidelines outlined in this block and, through this, maintained the synergy between technologies inherent to the Smart Grid solutions.


Given the scope of this project, the results are divided according to each of the products developed:



Series Head and Pioneer Batch of Intelligent Electronic Meters and Energy Balance Measurement Sets


The Lote Pioneiro Project aimed at the development and manufacturing of smart meters in the series head and pioneer batch stages of the innovation chain, based on the prototype integration of the MPR II board, resulting in meeting the repressed demand for smart meters with two communication technologies. 

In addition, the project also included the development and manufacturing of energy balance sets, also developing the prototype until the pioneer batch phases of the product.

The main objectives proposed for this project were:

Industrialize and produce Smart Electronic Meters integrated to the MPR II communication board with RF and PLC technologies, which was developed, prototyped and tested in the “Structuring Project of Smart Electric Grids in Metropolitan Regions aiming the Development and Demonstration of Innovative Solutions, using the concept of Living Labs “, through the innovation Series Head and Pioneer Batch phases.

Industrialize in the Series Head stage and produce Pioneer Batch of Measurement Sets aiming at Energy Balance for application in ENEL SP transforming stations, for better identification and consequent reduction of non-technical losses, whose prototype was developed in the “Structuring Project of Smart Electric Grids in Metropolitan Regions aiming at Development and Demonstration of Innovative Solutions using the concept of Living Labs” project.

Create Advanced Measurement Infrastructure (AMI) and Telecommunications necessary for the realization of a complete Intelligent Measurement pilot in the Barueri area.

Develop a ” roadmap ” model for planning the expansion of the measurement solution developed and produced in the project, in the concession area of ENEL SP, considering the specificities of this area (metropolitan region with a high density of customers) from the results of the company’s field solution tests.




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