ActionWise is software that applies the FLISR (Fault Location Isolation and Service Restoration) function to electricity distribution networks. Developed by Sinapsis in partnership with Spin, our solution can be implemented in two different ways: integrated with the utility’s SCADA system or communicating directly with field equipment. In addition, it is possible to integrate the system with the utility’s georeferenced database (GIS – Geographic Information System).
ActionWise automatically performs the steps of locating and isolating a permanent fault, as well as restoring power to certain sections of the network. Our solution allows a significant reduction in the continuity indicators (DEC and FEC) of the circuits, since tasks that could take hours to be solved, can now be solved in a few minutes.
Automatic load transfer
Verification of the nominal capacities of the equipment
No language or routine for implementation
Complete history of devices in operation
Simulation module for studies and tests
Accessible from any mobile device
Automatic change of equipment protection parameters
Active alarms in the equipment are optionally considered for carrying out the maneuvers
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Agora é só clicar no botão abaixo e fazer o download do seu ebook.
Agora é só clicar no botão abaixo e fazer o download do seu eboo.