With the innovative Hosting Capacity system, you obtain quick responses regarding the feasibility of connecting Distributed Generation (GD) and other loads to your network. Our web platform offers an automated query of the available power for High Voltage (HV) and Medium Voltage (MV) networks, enabling agile and flexible decision-making. We regularly update the simulations to ensure accurate and real-time results. Additionally, we provide strategic options for generator placement, optimizing implementation costs. Simplify the process, save time, and boost distributed generation project analysis. Discover the allocation capacity and efficiently optimize connection studies with the Hosting Capacity system!
The Hosting Capacity tool receives data from the network and distributed generation. Initially, network preparation must be performed by properly importing it and clustering historical data for demand adjustment, which is done automatically. Once the network is prepared, the tool creates a baseline scenario and evaluates the additional available power that each bus of the network can provide, based on ANEEL criteria. After scanning the entire network, the results are presented to the user through interactive maps, allowing them to freely explore points of interest for their connection.
Product developed within the scope of the R&D program regulated by ANEEL.
Adjusting of electric grids
Automated registration corrections
Automated calculation of power availability for MV and HV networks
Display the results in a visual and practical manner!
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Agora é só clicar no botão abaixo e fazer o download do seu eboo.